Board of Directors
Current Board Members
Jana Seitz, President
Cynthia Howard, Vice President
*Michael Kaufman, Treasurer
Paul Rheingold, Secretary
Alyson Beha
Camela Morrissey
Chris Cohan
Daniel Fry
Jeff Mangum
*Joy Reidenberg, Emeritus
Lillit Genovesi
Lynda Kaufman
Phil Horner
Andy Maniglia, Playland Advisor
Kassandra Souply, Director of Administration
Scott Williamson, Curator
Michael Zazzaro, Assistant Curator
*Denotes past Board President
Would You Like to Serve on the Board of Directors?
If you are interested in becoming more active in the organization and would like to serve on the Board of Directors please let us know. We encourage you to join one of our (mostly) monthly meetings held the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Sanctuary’s Visitor Center.
For more information or to RSVP, please contact our President by emailing:
If you are interested in becoming more active in the organization and would like to serve on the Board of Directors please let us know. We encourage you to join one of our monthly meetings held the second Tuesday of the month (most months) at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary’s Visitor Center.
For more information and to RSVP, please contact our President by emailing: